Pledge to the No Social Media November Detox!
We have 3 ways you can participate in this challenge as we want to accommodate different needs. We highly recommend giving the All In approach a shot, but the other options are less intense if you are feeling hesitant!
3 Levels:
All In- Delete all social media or addictive apps for 1 month.
This could include: IG, TikTok, X, Snapchat, Youtube, Netflix, and gaming apps
Business/School- Using 1 platform for professional reasons but deleting everything else. Limiting non-work/school related scrolling and/or posting on the platform you keep.
Working on it: Short 1-7 day detox or using digital wellness tips to decrease screen time with apps still downloaded
To officially be a part of the challenge and receive our free resources, you have to sign up:

Commonly Asked Questions: Detox Information
Sign up to pledge above to subscribe to our interactive newsletter
For All In- On November 1st, delete every social media app on your phone (Instagram, TikTok, X, Snapchat, Youtube, Netflix)
For Half-In- Delete all social media apps other than the 1-2 you need to utilize for work or school
The first day of the detox, we highly recommend pulling out a journal and writing down 25-50 things you have always wanted to try, need to get done but haven’t had the time, or things you want to spend more time practicing. We have a template we made for you here! Make this a checklist, so every time you get bored and don’t know what to do, don’t reach for your phone, reach for your journal, complete an activity, and check it off!
Additionally, go to our resources page- we have many different ideas for things you can try during this month and ways to get involved with the NoSo community -
Go for it, but just make sure your intentions are pure. You’ll most likely want to redownload in the early days of the detox or feel some withdrawals, so if this is the case, throw your phone somewhere and go outside, talk to someone about it, or journal about the pull you feel.
But if you really need to use it to contact someone, download it, use it for that purpose, then re-delete it if possible. There’s no shame, just try for as long as you can. But try your hardest to resist the urge!
If you set yourself up for success before the detox, you may actually find a deeper and more fulfilling connection to those around you. Make sure to post our announcement on socials before you log off to let everyone know you are taking a break, and provide your phone number if you feel comfortable. Also, make sure to reach out to close friends and family to alert them to the best way to contact you (text, call). You will find that the people who truly care about you will reach out and initiate conversation, and you may realize you have many more shallow meaningless relationships from social media than you may have realized. This is a good thing, it will show you who truly cares and wants to make effort in your life, and this will give you the opportunity to deepen and invest in those relationships.

Want to bring NoSo November to your school? Fill this out and we will contact you.